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Featured Workshops

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

April 2022 @Downtown Yoga Greenville

In this workshop you will learn the power and practice that is the yogic technology of Kundalini Kriyas. You are sure to have an experience! Contact Lisa  (864) 346-3275

Featured Events

Yoga For Seniors

May 2022

  • understanding aging
  • postures for all ages
  • nerve system education

  • understanding props
  • principles of modifying poses
  • timelessness of practice

Featured Retreats

Retreat to India

December 2023

Join Akasha in the mother land of YOGA. Allow here to show you the spirit of India while diving deeper into your spiritual journey. Yoga is so much more than asana. Come to Rishikesh India and discover an entire new depth to you, your life and your practice. 

200 Hour + 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings

Taking your awareness of anatomy to another level in order to understand deeper layers within the practice of asana. Understanding how each aspect of the body must move and align in order to create the greatest level of ease within the effort is the offering of this workshop.

Master teacher, Akasha Searcey, brings home how physics and asana work in synergy with each other in order to bring philosophy to physical form. Get ready for some insightful Iyengar practices as well as deep dives into individual poses for greater understanding of internalized movements and externalized action.

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