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partial from my writing a few days ago ...

“I am not someone that changes her mind constantly. When I am in I am in. I love deeply and take responsibility for myself. The caution I sometimes experience is to remind me to have discernment. The feeling of recklessness that I have mentioned to others comes down to me remembering that I have to treat myself the way I want to be treated. I have to love myself the way I want to be loved. I have to give myself the tender affection I am seeking.

Loving myself deeply and fully, idealistic warts and all has allowed me to show up in a way that is feminine, loving, supportive and giving from a cup that is full and from a seat at the table of consciousness that reminds me that each person is on their journey and it is my responsibility to remember that actions always speak louder than words. It’s with this language that we truly show up for each other in the physical plane. “