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Durga: Mothering Humanity

Are you familiar with the story of Durga? 🐅

She is usually depicted carrying various weapons in each of her eight hands, representative of the gods combining their energies in her. She is usually seen riding a lion or tiger as well - very fitting animals for such a warrior.

Her name even literally means ''invincible.''

I say mantras dedicated to her everyday. You see I feel kismet with her in so many ways. 

All those weapons she brought for her epic battle with the demons reminds me of all the tools that I have to offer my clients as they battle their inner narratives.

For so many years, I have placed myself inside this "yoga" box. In the last few years I have upleveled into some great new skillsets as well as polished some exisiting one. 

I can 100% confirm that I am officially outside the "yoga" box.

Yoga is just one of the many tools that I have to offer my clients as I nurture them on their path of self awareness and development.

My offerings have expanded immensely. Things like nutrition and Soul coaching have always been present but I have added energy work, astrology, oracle card readings and new movement forms like Tai Chi to the roster, as well as continuing to teach amazing classes on consciousness. When you understand how to love and nurture yourself, you can truly begin to experience deep healing. No longer pulled down by those mental demons!

One thing all my clients agree on is my steady, stable and grounded approach to serving my clients to the deepest level possible as they take the path of their liberation to get out of their own way is powerful and effective and most importantly: fiercely transformational! 

From podcasts, to Youtube Series, to in person experiences, the loyalty of my committment to my clients and offering them tangible tools that work just for them and their unique experiences in life rings loud and clear.

There is nothing like being held in a safe space and giving yourself permission to grow and be vulneralble because you know that I have got your back!

Now that I am outside the box, one of my new platforms is The Seeker Sanctuary and it now has multiple layers of membership to fit any and all needs, budgets and schedules. I have spent the last month creating this platform and these memberships for anyone seeking a safe place with content that helps you feel supported and elevated mind, body and Spirit.

You can see all these amazing offerings here by clicking the image below or using the link above↕️


In my efforts to fiercely mother humanity to awaken, I have learned the vital importance of like minded community, self care and discernment. It is in taking full responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions that we can light up our life.

I am so grateful to have a life that allows me to hold space for others to grow and connect deeply with themselves, their community and the collective while moving out of old patterns, programs and 3d matrix bullshit. 

If you are ready to navigate the depths of your inner narrative in order to liberate yourself from pain, FOMO, comparison, judgement, anxiety and overall suffering please reach out so that I can help you find the right membership, tool or class offering to support you on your path.

In gratitude and service, 