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Uncage your heart...

Uncage your heart...
If you stay in the “always learning” and not integrating then you are literally polluting your mind with data. Not to mention messing with your nervous system!

Unused and unprocessed data goes straight to the subconscious mind and often is something we use AGAINST ourselves.

You know what I am talking about here. You might hear yourself say things like, “I know what to do but I am just not doing it.”

This is the perfect example of how we beat ourselves up with unintegrated information.

Taking time to integrate, connect and apply your learning is what actually provides you with wisdom.

Deliberately holding space for yourself creates the transformation from learning to KNOWING.

This is what allows you to take action on your heart’s desires. Continue reading

To the Wild Woman...

To the Wild Woman...

May you release her.

May you set her free.

May you unleash a mighty roar
And once again allow
Her spirit to soar.



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Heaven on Earth...

"Don't search for heaven and hell in the future. Both are now present. Whenever we manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are indeed in heaven. Whenever we fight, hate, we are in hell." ~ Shams Tabrizi Continue reading

Rising from the ashes...

Rising from the ashes...

During the span of 2018-2020, I experienced a massive consciousness shift, my late husband passed away, both of our dogs died, a pandemic occurred and my healthy yoga center business nose dived. 

All this happened in 29.5 months. You can imagine that this could be a nightmare. A crazy cosmic joke;/

However, I chose to see it as the greatest opportunity life has ever offered me : a complete and total reset of all that I THOUGHT I wanted and had created. (this choice was me actively participating with life #cocreation)

Most people usually stop listening right here so be sure to perk up your ears and eyes: if you keep seeing that you are a victim in any part of your life then you believe that you are a victim in EVERY part of your life.

 You might want to read that again, out loud.

 When we have a victim mindset we feel that we do not have any control over things in our life. (we cannot say that we want to release being a victim in just one area of life as this is not congruent. When we release a frequency from our life it is cleared in every layer, level and dimension)

 In realizing that everything is energy and that energy is a reflection or our intention we must take clear action. (intentional action leads to an intentional life which naturally leads to attracting more than you can possibly imagine)

 How does this relate to what I previously shared?

Spending my life energy creating a reality based in partnership with murky boundaries, creating a business that wanted to serve from a place of listening to others and not myself, as well as working myself to the bone was not in alignment with what I spent my days devotedly channeling in meditation, movement and visualization.  

I was being incongruent and couldn’t even see it because I was trying so damn hard to make others happy and not myself.

In the beginning of 2018 I had massive upgrades in my consciousness and literally became so clear in my energetic boundaries that I watched my ENTIRE life burn down. At one point I had my late husband’s ashes and both my dogs' ashes in my house. 

I literally had an entire life in ashes.

This was freaking hard. Fortunately, part of those upgrades/consciousness also included a level of awareness and self trust that allowed me to stay the course and walk the path daily with clarity.

This clarity allowed me to stay in total resonance with the intention I set in 2018 and thus anything that was non-resonate had to go. Now, a lot of that change happened in ways that I could never have imagined. I chose to trust the process.


You can continue reading by signing up for my email workshop via my newsletter! xoxo


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Get over yourself!

Get over yourself!
My invitation for you is to listen to yourself and notice when you go into narrative about what you have studied or what you say “you know”.

Then simply ask yourself, “Have I applied what I am talking about to all dimensions of my life or am I just regurgitating information?”

This is so pivotal and powerful. When we understand the difference between what we know and what we “think” we know we can begin to truly get out of our own way and become the master creator we came here to be. Continue reading


Everything is in relationship to something.

My question for you today is are you in relationship with yourself?

Are you lighting up your life?

You see, liberation means that you are able to live in your sovereighty.

No fear of being alone or unloved. No victim mindsets allowed.

Thus, as you step into relationship with others you bring the highest vibration in order to serve your collaboration together.

Be the light and you will always bring the light.

This doesn't mean you are "perfect". What it means is that you show up for yourself unconditionally and by proxy learn to show up for others the same way.

This is how we heal. 💚
xo, Akasha Continue reading

The mind is the slayer...

The mind is the slayer...

"The mind is the slayer of the real."

This is a saying from ancient Yogis that discusses how the mind likes to slice and dice information up into compartmentalized bits of reality.

When the truth is, when you're asleep, the ego is offline and you're in the realm of Spirit.

When you're awake, the ego is online and you're in the realm of the body.

And there's nothing wrong with the realm of the body. But you must remember it's limited to the five senses.

Those five senses are not your true nature. Your true nature is infinite.

Your true nature is Spirit.

“The mind was given to you, you were not given to the mind.”-YB

Much love, 


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Confrontation is about getting present with your programs and subconscious patterns.

Everyday on the road I am confronted with outdated mental processes and the good news is I just toss them.

It is that simple.

This doesn't have to be a painful or hurtful process.

Overthinking is just your EGO asking for control based on the oldest part of the brain hardlined to the idea of "safety".

"Confronting someone or an issue respectfully and with purpose allows the person to explain/contemplate their thought process, or even how they are feeling. This moves the relationship in a positive, more openly communicative direction"

You just need to get real with your shit so that your mind stops conning you out of your joy in the NOW moment.

xo, Akasha

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