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Gratitude Podcast conversation...

Gratitude Podcast conversation...

Another great podcast interview with my dear friend Cecilia!

We discussed the importance and potency of wrapping up one year in order to create what you desire without dragging old energy forward.

Give it a listen in case you missed it because you still have time to wrap up the old to create space for the new. 



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Paradigm shifting...

Paradigm shifting...

A paradigm shift of awareness refers to a fundamental change in one's perspective or understanding of a particular concept or phenomenon.

It can involve a re-evaluation of previously held beliefs or assumptions, and can lead to new ways of thinking and behaving.

👁️Are you operating from your Intuition?

👁️Are you wanting to take the path less traveled?

👁️Are you called to some type of change but do not know how to get there?

If you answered yes then get on my email list because next week I am launching a new course that will help you liberate your intuition, release the Ego hold on your life and allow you to live with more ease and grace in your days.

Link in bio to get on the list so you don't miss the opportunity to free yourself and live in new layers, levels and dimensions of authenticity, integrity and Truth.

In love and service, 

Akasha 💚🙏🏼

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May you choose Freedom...

May you choose Freedom...
“If you do not know yourself, your unconscious as well as your conscious states, all your inquiry will be twisted, given a bias.

You will have no foundation for thinking which is rational, clear, logical, sane. Your thinking will be according to a certain pattern, formula, or set of ideas – but that is not really thinking.

To think clearly, logically, without becoming neurotic, without being caught in any form of illusion, you have to know this whole process of your own consciousness.”

– J. Krishnamurti
7th Public Talk in Saanen, 1963 Continue reading

The power of presence...

The power of presence...

The power and practice of full presence reminds us that true stillness can become the container for all transformation. 

You see, we have all been programmed that we need to "DO" something in order to "BE" somebody. All this doing just separates us from our true being. The more we focus on the the doing and the action the less fluidity and grace we often experience. 

The most energy clean/neutral way to navigate a challenge or some inner turmoil is to get still, get quiet and connect inward however ,the "animal" brain will push for reaction, action or stimulus AKA distraction from what we are actually feeling.

Every time that we ignore the full depth and experience of the feeling in order to "do" something we continue to create distance within ourselves and the collective. Needless to say, this also create distance in our relationships in our immediate presence. 

The gift of life is fully embodied in stillness. Yes, the irony here is palpable. Ultimately, that is the beauty of the human experience. 

Within this space and place of duality/polarity can we bring ourself into a state of stillness that is so calibrated with intention and being that we are able to come back home to our Divinity?

When we allow that stillness to be the container for our intention then it manifests in ways beyond our ability to "DO" as we are allowing ourself to "BE" all that is in the moment.

Remember, separation is an illusion and until we get quiet and go within, we are all playing a part UNconsciously. 

May we all take time today to get still, breathe and BE so that we begin to consciously collaborate with Source with each breath. 

In love and service, 


(If you need help or support in taking this time today join me on InsightTimer app 11am est for a free meditation)

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Moving inward with Yoga Nidra Meditations

Moving inward with Yoga Nidra Meditations

This time of year ayurvedically is the time of year were we shift inward. We slow down. 

Just look at what's happening in nature and this will be a great indicator of how we could choose to align with the natural world. 

For all of humanity's creations, many people still walk around in discomfort and dis-ease. Going inward and aligning with the natural ways of the Universe is an ideal "reset" for your mind and body. 

I would love for you to join me this holiday season for my 4 part Yoga Nidra 

Yoga Nidra is something that yogis swear by! 

One hour of this practice is like four hours of regular sleep for your nervous system. 

Set the intention to choose you this holiday season and allow yourself to consciously relax and restore. 

Look forward to seeing you soon!



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Slowing down...

Slowing down...

So many times people think they need a cleanse however the truth of the matter is this: Most people are TIRED not toxic.


They actually need to cleanse their mind and body from habitual stress.


Often, the biggest challenge to actually getting rest is the fear of slowing down.


The inner critic loves to rally you with narrative around things like :


“ How do I act if I am not doing something?”


“It can’t be this easy can it?”


“Shouldn’t I be doing more?”


“If I don’t produce then do I have value?”


“What am I suppose to do if I am not “doing” anything?”


I know all the stories because I have encountered them myself. The great irony of stillness and rest is the more you practice taking time for health and healing the MORE time you GAIN.




We are always digesting with our body, our eyes, our ears and the rest of our senses. Every single time you hold space for integration you stabilize and recalibrate your nervous system.


Your nervous system is the operating system of your body. If it’s fried, overwhelmed, exhausted ALL of you is fried, overwhelmed and exhausted.


When you take time to define and create restful practices that are all about slowing down and opening your body through passive presence you begin to embrace the true power of rest in your everyday life.


How are you going to hold space for rest and ease in your day today? 

Much love, Akasha

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The Universe has your back...all ways.

The Universe has your back...all ways.
Isn’t it amazing how the Universe always supports that which you desire heart, mind and body?

This is Soul Alignment .

When you line up your desires, your thoughts and your feelings things begin to manifest at lightening speed.

Your job is to name it.
Claim it.
Focus, it IS our super power.

What we focus on expands.
Your focus creates momentum.

Momentum means higher vibration.

You are no longer the effect, you
have BEcome the cause.

Move beyond the matrix of physical creation and you will step into your infinite

Everyday right now I name and claim something out loud and it happens!

How you ask?

Your body is the portal.
Your natural gift is frequency because you ARE energy.


Xo, Akasha Continue reading

Five ways to live your best life!

Five ways to live your best life!

Here are five tips that are universal when it comes to enriching your days...

1.Prioritize Your Goals-
define what REALLY matters
2.Live Intentionally-spend your energy wisely
3.Stay Present-eliminate distractions
4.Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone-do something you wouldn't normally do
5.Declutter regularly: Literally, Mentally and Emotionally-create space in all ways


Try using a few of these and see what happens!

Enjoy, xoxo


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